Friday 26 November 2010

Lion King Analyse

Film: Lion King
Genre: Adventure
Style: Animation

looking into the opening sequence of 'The Lion King' it introduces the theme and the characters relationships more then the general conventions that are usually introduced in the average children's production e.g. the cast that produced the production. The opening sequence introduced a number of different characters gathering to one specific area in which the main characters are introduced, this easily shows the status of the main characters so that younger children can have a good understanding on who will be the main characters throughout the production.

The camerawork throughout this opening sequence portrays the genre by using different angles and shots to create a feeling for an adventure. A number of long shots are used to give a detailed oversight on the location that the film will be based in, this is a good introduction for the film as it doesn't give to much information away but gives the viewer a good understanding of the setting. Although there are many locations shown throughout the opening sequence there is a main focus on one specific area in which the main characters are based, this is shown using a variety of different shots to give the sequence more detail e.g. extreme long shot showing all the characters heading towards the mountain.

The soundtrack for the opening title uses non-diegetic sound,

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